How many days until Lent?
Starts on: February 14, 2024 (Wednesday)
Ends on: March 30, 2024 (Saturday)
How many Weeks until Lent?
How many Months until Lent?
When is Lent? |
Year | Lent starts on | Lent ends on |
2018 | February 14 (Wednesday) | March 31 (Saturday) |
2019 | March 6 (Wednesday) | April 20 (Saturday) |
2020 | February 26 (Wednesday) | April 11 (Saturday) |
2021 | February 17 (Wednesday) | April 3 (Saturday) |
2022 | March 2 (Wednesday) | April 16 (Saturday) |
2023 | February 22 (Wednesday) | April 8 (Saturday) |
2024 | February 14 (Wednesday) | March 30 (Saturday) |
2025 | March 5 (Wednesday) | April 19 (Saturday) |
Lent means a kind of diet for Christian people during the Eastern period for 40 days. During this period, most people don’t consume food of animal origin. The diet for the preparation of the Easter Day is called a Christian hostage and ends with a feast celebrated on April 24th. Christians do not only eat certain animal foods during the diet. When we look at the main questions like “how many days are there until Lent?”, we can see the Lent time has started for this year at the beginning of March (March 1st) and it will continue until April 13th. During this diet, people do not eat meat, milk, cheese, eggs and do not drink alcohol.
As a general belief, Lent is accepted in order to memorialize Jesus for the 40 days when he had been in a desert. It’s one of the longest four fasting in Orthodox sects. Orthodox people celebrate Easter Hall at the end of 40-day fasting. One of the benefits of fasting is that one is able to prepare people in the context of being able to dominate the will and self, increase their stamina, and if possible, to get away from addictions, or to get rid of the bad habits.
The dates and periods of Lent are so important for many people in different countries all over the world. When we look at this year, the Lent period started at the beginning of the month of March, or we can say March 1st. It will last for 40 days and will be completed on April 13th in 2017. On the night of April 13th, the Lent will be finished and Easter Day will start on April 16th.
For the people, it must be kept secret to be in fasting during the period, and it should not be said that anyone unless it is necessary. The people who are in a fasting should not be stressful, annoyed, and the environment should not disturb them. According to Christian belief, during the Easter period, it will last for 40 days. Easter is celebrated by all Christians. Apart from the rituals commonly held in churches, there are different traditions according to the country they celebrate. Among these are the most common people giving each other Easter bunnies and Easter eggs, usually made from chocolate.
When compared to other religions, there are different concepts at Muslim beliefs and Jewish beliefs. But, instead of the word of fasting, Lent is a kind of diet because it’s not forbidden to eat something. People can eat different things except for food of animal origin during the Lent. On the other hand, in the fasting concept, people don’t eat anything during the fasting time.
Finally, we’ve answered some important questions about the concept of Lent. It’s common in many Christian churches and millions of people from different countries join Lent and Easter day (how many days until Easter) activities. If you want to see how many days until Lent, you can follow it from the countdown on this page.
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